Muy buen artículo de Samuelson, columnista del Post. Truth Serum on The Trail By Robert J. Samuelson Wednesday, May 14, 2008; Page A19 It's been a blast, this presidential campaign. A great story, full of drama. But no one should think it's been honest. With the possible exception of Iraq -- a matter that compels candidates to face real issues -- the campaign has been an exercise in mass merchandising. Candidates make alluring promises (to "fix the economy," "defeat special interests" or "achieve energy independence") and offer freebies to voters (more tax cuts, health care, college aid). Complete the sale: That's the point. There's a vast gap between the country's problems and the candidates' agendas and rhetoric. The candidates dissemble because they believe that Americans don't want the truth. It would be too upsetting. They're probably right. Let's imagine what a candidate inoculated with truth serum might say. This ...